
The Major Cyber Attacks of 2024: What You Need to Know

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It is the year 2024, and cyber attacks are on a steep rise—spanning industries from tech to healthcare. Sophisticated hacks have compromised companies including Trello, VARTA, and Tangerine Telecom, reportedly unveiling the sensitive information of millions of users around the world. In this blog, we will investigate some of the big cybersecurity events to hit in 2024, taking a closer look at how they affect us and highlighting the significance of ensuring strong cybersecurity protocols.

January 2024: Trello Data Breach

Trello—15 Million Accounts (January 2024)

Hackers discovered the public API of Trello and searched for databases that could match the accounts due to weak API security. This led to the exposure of:

  • Emails
  • Usernames
  • Full names
  • Account information

Consequence: This allows remote threat actors to conduct phishing campaigns, steal personal identifiers, and other confidential information. If businesses have been using Trello to manage projects, this poses a massive data leak issue.

Source: TechRadar

February 2024: VARTA Cyberattack Shutdown

In February 2024, five facilities were brought to a halt at German battery manufacturer VARTA due to a cybersecurity breach. The attack impacted:

  • IT systems
  • Production lines

Although it remains ambiguous if any data was stolen during the attack, the operational disruption led to vast financial losses and supply chain delays for retailers.

Impact: The battery shortages caused disruptions in many industries, including automotive and consumer electronics.

Source: TechRadar

February 2024: Tangerine Telecom Breach

Over 200,000 customers’ personal information was stolen.

Exposed information includes:

  • Names
  • Dates of birth
  • Phone numbers

Consequences: The incident highlights privacy issues and could pose a risk to customers, resulting in scams targeting individuals.

Source: TechRadar

January 2024: EquiLend Ransomware Attack

Electronic-finance platform EquiLend fell victim to ransomware in January 2024. The breach led to:

  • Unauthorized access to sensitive data
  • Disruption of operations

Impact: Leak of financial data of clients could affect the clients and even the whole stability of the market.


January 2024: Spoutible’s API Vulnerability

Social media portal Spoutible—207,000 users affected due to an API vulnerability.

Exposed data includes:

  • Email addresses
  • Profile information
  • Bcrypt hashed passwords

Affected: User accounts, highlighting the ever-increasing importance of API security improvements.

Source: TechRadar

Early 2024: Cencora Healthcare Data Breach

Healthcare services provider Cencora experienced a breach in early 2024. Stolen data involves:

  • Personal information
  • Healthcare-related details

The investigation remains ongoing, and the full scope of the breach has yet to be established.

Impact: With healthcare data now compromised, this leads to severe risks to patient privacy and may result in identity theft.

Source: TechRadar


The 2024 cyber attacks underscore the importance of strong cybersecurity practices for all industries. To successfully defend against attacks like these, companies need to invest in strong security protocols, regular audits, and employee training. Users should be wary, change passwords, and check for any suspicious activity in their accounts.

Key Takeaways:

  • API Security: As we saw with Trello and Spoutible, API vulnerabilities can lead to huge data breaches.
  • Constant Security Audits: Consistent evaluation will reveal the holes that should be fixed.
  • Employee Training: Security breaches are often the result of human error; training can help to reduce that risk.
  • Data Encryption: All sensitive data should be encrypted for extra security.


Q1: What about my information after all these breaches?

A: Change your passwords, turn on two-factor authentication, and check your accounts for strange behaviors.

Q2: What can companies do to avoid such attacks?

A: Invest in cybersecurity infrastructure, get security audits done, and provide employee training.

Q3: Are small businesses at risk too?

A: Yes, cyber attackers often go after small businesses because they tend to have less secure systems.

Q4: What is a ransomware attack?

A: It’s a cyberattack where someone (a hacker) uses encryption to make your data unreadable and then demands payment in exchange for the key that will decrypt it.

Q5: How does a data breach impact consumers?

A: Consumers can experience identity theft, financial loss, and invasion of privacy in case of a data breach.

Stay informed on the latest cybersecurity news to protect yourself and your business from potential threats.

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