The Importance of Email Security: Protecting Your Digital Communications

Email Security: Bringing about the Human Side of Cyber Security

The Gravity Of Email Security – Safeguarding Your Digital Communications

As much as we have now evolved to a connected world, email has always been the currency of communication across businesses and people alike. And while it is the go-to medium in communication, it also poses a very big security risk. In today’s hyper-connected world, email security is not just a nice to have; but something businesses of all shapes and sizes must implement if they want to ensure their digital communications remain safe from new cyber threats. Be it a small business, an enterprise, or a person which you are working with, its email security is essential to protect your data and retain the integrity of your business.

Email Security Basics

Email security encompasses the tools and measures used to secure access to an email account or email servers: proper authenticating of email senders, encryption of emails, see e-mail encryption, and end-to-end encryption with appropriate backup. When it comes to emails which usually consist of the most critical information being transmitted and received by a company, protection is key. Unfortunately, the increase in cybercrime underlines the fact that it is essential to secure these digital communications. Organizations who utilize secure email services not only secure their information but also gain the trust of their customers and partners.

Common Email Threats

With cybercriminals upping their game by developing more and more sophisticated techniques to leverage vulnerabilities in the threat landscape. Below are some standard email threats:

The True Cost of a Data Breach

Email breaches can hurt both your personal and business lives. This can have serious financial consequences for businesses, depending on the scale of the data at stake, which could rise into the millions of dollars. In addition to the financial loss, such breaches can cause:

This reduces some of the risk to non-human entities, but individuals are still vulnerable to crimes like identity theft and illegal mining of personal data for financial fraud or emotional distress. Email attacks are so advanced and pervasive today that a reactive patchwork of email security methods is no longer good enough. What one may consider are some industry best practices email security techniques.

Email Security Best Practices

Building out a robust email protection mode is the only solution to mitigate these threats for both businesses and individuals.

Conclusion: Be Wary

With the increasing complexity of email attacks, the need for powerful email security systems is only set to rise. Protecting your digital communications isn’t merely about warding off threats today; it’s about protecting tomorrow — both for yourself and for others. Businesses in particular need to ensure security is watertight, as poor security can adversely affect them and cause irreparable reputational damage or loss spanning well past the initial event.

By keeping oneself informed and being proactive against these nefarious threats through solutions like Fortinet email security, businesses and individual users can strengthen their defenses against such risks. You have to keep your ear to the ground and constantly adjust in order to stay ahead of the ever-evolving nature of security threats so that digital communications can continue being valuable, productive tools.

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