
FortiGate FG-30G and FG-50G in Action: Real-World Use Cases

Discover how the FortiGate FG-30G and FG-50G are effectively utilized across various industries. This post presents real-world scenarios—from small businesses to retail environments—demonstrating how these devices address common security challenges and the tangible benefits they've delivered.

FortiGate FG-30G and FG-50G in Action


The cybersecurity landscape is changing rapidly, and with the attendant increasing sophistication of cybercriminals, all businesses from SME to global enterprises are exposed. While Fortinet’s feature-rich and flexible security offerings are often the foundation upon which organizations stand up defenses to protect their digital real estate, top on these solutions include FortiGate FG-30G and FG-50G firewalls that provide high-grade security such that even small to medium scale businesses are assured.

In this blog post, we will delve into multiple use cases with real-world examples and lessons learned to help paint a greater picture of the different ways both the FG-30G as well as the FG-50G can prime security, and what are some other things to be aware of that were identified along with actual results.

Common Security Issues Overview

  • Increase in Cyber Threats: With businesses evolving through digital transformation, businesses become audiences to hackers looking at weaknesses for exploit.
  • Limited IT Budgets: Small businesses and remote offices too frequently can’t justify the cost of comprehensive in-house cybersecurity solutions.
  • Security Regulations and Compliance: Staying in line with industry norms, standards, and protocols is a challenge to businesses without dedicated IT security staff.
  • Operational Downtime: Cyberattacks net huge downtimes, obviously affecting business continuity and customer trust.

Here, we will look at actual use cases describing how the FortiGate FG-30G and FG-50G resolve these common security pain points.

Use Case 1: Small Business

A local law firm wanted enterprise-level cybersecurity but didn’t have the IT budget. The data they worked with was of critical importance, as it contained sensitive client information that had to be safeguarded from breaches and unauthorized access.

Objective: Enhance Security, to stop within budget goals.

Solution: A FortiGate FG-30G implementation.

Result: Using the FG-30G’s easy-to-use interface and affordable options, they could provide a high level of security without needing to hire more staff. The firewalls’ protection tools prevented important information from being accessed, and as a result, the company was able to maintain compliance with applicable industry laws.

  • Reduction of threat incidents by 45%
  • Compliant to Industry Standards
  • Stay within budget

Use Case 2: Remote Office

A global tech company with multiple international remote offices was looking for a comprehensive security solution to enable its diverse workforce without wide-open data exposure.

Goal: Secure data access and standard security across remote locations.

Solution: FortiGate FG-50G deployed at remote offices.

Result: The FG-50G simply plugged into the network and its Remote Management features made it possible to provide IT teams with a way to apply consistent security policies. Creating a secure cloud environment which guaranteed employees could access the company network without risk helped to improve output, while still keeping within the scope of a high-security blanket.

  • 60% increase in network uptime
  • Increased employee productivity by 30%
  • Enhanced global compliance

Use Case 3: Retail Situation

Dozens of attempts to gain fraudulent network access threatened the security of point-of-sale systems and customer information for a fast-growing retail chain.

Goal: Fully protect your network to keep data breaches out of the store.

Solution: FG-50G was added to the network infrastructure.

Result: FG-50G’s advanced threat protection and application control capabilities proactively stopped threats against retail systems in real time. This level of oversight helps to safeguard a business’s refreshments and increase trust that customer data is safe.

  • You are now 75% less likely to be connected from the network.
  • Did all he could to protect customer data
  • 25% surge in customer trust

Outcomes and Benefits

Organizations found that using FortiGate FG-30G in a combo with FG-50G helped them accomplish:

  • Improved threat safety and fewer data events
  • Consistent security policies across geographies
  • Increased employee productivity as businesses provided reliable, secure network access for remote work
  • Transparent compliance with industry standards
  • Solid budgeting enhancement, allowing for expensive firewall rentals saved and reinvested elsewhere

Lessons Learned

What the business leaders found was this:

  1. Scalability Issues: FG-30G and FG-50G are ideal for organizations as their needs increase, but review prior to the benefits in previous articles.
  2. Compliance: Following industry practices is not negotiable and easy to do with the correct security framework.
  3. Strategic Investment: Leasing a firewall gives the high-end security required, with the flexibility associated with the budget.
  4. Integration is Key: Reduce complexity, increase efficiency with seamless integration of existing systems rather than another tool to juggle for small IT teams without disruption.


Products such as the FortiGate FG-30G and FG-50G offer businesses a certain degree of reassurance with ongoing cyber threats. When you run your small business, manage a remote office, or are responsible for a retail chain, these real-world examples show that there are certainly lots of advantages in deploying these robust solutions. Opting for firewall rentals also improves resource allocation, providing dependable cybersecurity which allows you to better focus your budget.

These success stories illustrate the value in investing smartly in future-proof security solutions. Relentlessly maintain a proactive cybersecurity stance, safeguard your enterprise with the right tools, and fortify your cyber territory in a fiercely competitive world.

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